Bloganuary Day #1

Last year I completed the #Bloganuary challenge. At least I think I did. I know for a fact that I responded to several prompts, but then I just stopped writing. I don’t really have an excuse except that I got out of the habit. One day led to another, and then suddenly it was December.

I’m not sad to close out 2022. The last half of the year was pretty awful as I was sick for what felt like forever, took antibiotics and steroids like it was my job and dealt with the repercussions of the medication and STILL was not fully recovered. In the midst of my stubborn sickness, we lost three family members in the course of about a month and had other family set backs.

So, peace out 2022. You weren’t my favorite.

Now, I have lived long enough to know that there is no magic that occurs at midnight on December 31, but I have always loved celebrating the New Year and the hope that comes with all that newness. I enjoy writing out resolutions and looking back on them at the end of the year.

So, I sat down tonight and decided I would join the #bloganuary challenge and respond to the daily prompts with the hopes that a habit of daily writing will form.

Today’s prompt is: What is something you want to achieve this year?

Well. It’s difficult to just pick one thing, because I have several things I want to achieve this year:

Write daily

Read more books

Become physically stronger

Tackle some projects at my house that have been untouched for years

Avoid antibiotics and steroids

I’ll leave it at that for now.

Author: The Chronicles of Ms. K

I enjoy drinking coffee, reading books, listening to music, playing board games, and hiking. I have three indoor cats and a growing collection of stray porch cats. I teach middle school English in a public school. I have a crazy, amazing support system of family and friends. When I was younger, I thought I would grow up and stick around my home town. One summer at camp changed all that when I met Jesus and decided to follow Him. That decision brought about the stories that I'll share here.

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